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General Motors to Shift PGA of America Golf Sponsorships to Buick and Cadillac

John Middlebrook, GM vice president, announced that GM will transfer title-sponsorship of the Oldsmobile Scramble, the world's largest amateur golf tournament, to Buick beginning in 2002. GM also announced that it will transfer its involvement with the PGA Championship and the Ryder Cup Matches to Cadillac beginning in 2002. In addition, Buick will become the official car of the PGA of America.

"General Motors has valued the 18-year relationship we've had with the PGA of America and we look forward to strengthening the relationship in 2002 and beyond," said Middlebrook. "We look forward to getting our other divisions involved with the PGA, its membership and these outstanding events."

Edited from a GM press release Further info on the Buick Scramble

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