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"The first year Bill came to our school, he had trouble learning to hit chip shots. He kept releasing the club, flipping his wrists in the follow through. So Phil Rodgers used a gimmick reserved for only the direst cases. He took a 9-iron, placed the club shaft against the inside of Bill's left forearm, and wrapped it with athletic tape so that the club became a permanent extension of the arm. Immediately, Bill hit better chips, striking the ball with a crisp descending blow. Shortly thereafter, we broke for lunch in the Grand Cypress clubhouse. Bill walked into the crowded dining room with the club still taped to his arm. He ordered a bowl of soup, which he ate with his right hand while carefully keeping his left arm vertical with the club pointed to the sky. To all in the restaurant, this was a hilarious sight. To Bill, it was just life as usual."

Quote Kevin McKinley, Director Academy of Golf at Grand Cypress, taken from "Cinderella Story: My Life in Golf", by Bill Murray and George Peper, Doubleday, New York, N.Y., 2000.

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